Boost Your Core Confidence
Tired of Comparing Yourself to Others?
Unlock the Playful, Self-Assured You.
It’s uncomfortable and frustrating to doubt yourself. That inner voice tells an old story and makes you self-conscious and dims your light. It’s exhausting. You already know the true cost of feeling insecure.
At work it stops you from sharing your ideas or pushing for the promotion you know you deserve. At home it keeps you from enjoying time with family, friends or relationship as the scripts of doubt continue to play in your mind. It robs you of your joy and playful side. It stops you from living the life you want to live.
You are so much more than that doubtful, critical voice. You’re ready for something to shift. You want to feel liberated from constantly comparing, silencing your voice and doubting your every move.
People used to say I was shy. The truth was, I was scared of getting it wrong. Of feeling put on the spot. I didn’t know who I was or what I really wanted to do with my life. And all that made it painful for me to speak up and authentically share my true self with others.
I didn’t know how to act confidently and that held me back too. I had a strong script of doubt that depleted my energy and I would hold myself back at work and in my relationships. I stayed silent even when I had something to say. But the problem of holding back, of comparing myself to others was that it created more and more doubt inside me. And that’s why I teach others the cure. Because I know now there is a cure. We can CODE for Confidence.
Introducing the Core Confidence Codes
After 10 years working with teens, adults and couples, I saw one thing repeat again and again. Every one doubted themselves somewhere in their life. Or, they couldn’t recognize that they had made positive changes or wouldn’t take the credit for it. I wondered how I could help more people to believe in themselves and take ownership of their unique skills.
I realized that because I had my own journey with self-doubt and not using my voice, I was the perfect person to lead the way. I knew the pain of holding back and I also knew the way out. The formula for confidence, feeling at ease inside, being more able to speak up all had to do with basic skills. I call them The Core Confidence Codes.
It all starts with simplicity. Our logical mind just makes things so complex and we run around in circles trying this or that hoping the solution will become clear. The truth is, you just need to start with one thing, test it again and again and then OWN your progress. And you need someone to help you stay focused on that one thing and encourage you to keep going. Confidence coaching is just that.
How do I know this works? Because I have my own coach. Heck, I’ve had more than 5 coaches because they all brought me up to this point with their unending support. By working on my own unshakable confidence, I know that it’s possible. I also know we have to address the fear-factor with playfulness and humor. You heard that right. Aggression or upset is the last thing to keep you moving forward.
In my 12-week program, we will tailor the Core Confidence Codes to your unique situation. And that means I will give you all the tools you need, customized for you because my experience as a guide in relationships, work and home life have provided endless resources that I can pass along to you.
Together, we will interrupt the inner critic and doubt voice that ruins the party. And you’ll see how fun it can actually be! We will give you the skills to speak with clarity and directness. You’ll know how to discern where to put your energy and you’ll come away with way more than we even set out to get you. That’s how deep coaching works. We clear the path so more of you comes to light.
What would it mean to you to finally feel more in charge and reliably at ease in yourself? Are you ready to shift the energy of doubt into optimism of what’s possible? How would you live your life without the internal chatter weighing you down?
I know that you have gifts to share and that your heart wants to shine. I hope you can feel my sincerity and willingness to show up for you so you can truly transform into a powerful creator of your life. Let’s get started!
- Connect one-on-one weekly video calls
- 15-minute spot coaching calls between calls
- Weekly voxer audio prompts to support you
- Mindset coaching to clear old triggers
- Assignments between calls to self-boost certainty
- Deep Dive session at the end to lock in your Confidence
Imagine Feeling Clear and Certain in Any Situation
Imagine waking up feeling…knowing…you had it within you to tackle any challenge, reach any goal, overcome any obstacle. It might sound impossible–it did to me–but you can and will feel that way when you put the right pieces in place. The fact is that you can develop confidence, like any other skill, and it will change everything about your life.
Radiate certainty so you don't second guess yourself
Speak up clearly in any situation because you know your worth
Trust who you are and where you're going no matter what happens
Break free from other’s opinions about how you should do things
Seize the moment and begin that dream now with excitement
Double your productivity without running in circles before you start
This Is the First Step to a Confident You
You can follow one of two paths. First, you can move on without clicking the button below and continue doing what you’ve always done. And, chances are, you’ll continue getting what you’ve always gotten. You can continue to struggle with your confidence and face the challenges alone.
Or you can choose the second path.
You can choose to do something different, to stop trying to figure this out all by yourself and instead follow the lead of someone who has already figured out how to achieve the very things you want so badly. You know where you’ll be in a year if you choose to do nothing, but there’s no telling how far you’ll go in life with an expert by your side, guiding you every step of the way.
If you’re ready to unlock your core confidence, I invite you to choose the second path, click the button below, and take the first step toward a bigger, brighter future.
Questions? Click here to contact us.